Nearly 1 million children benefit from state's child support system
MDHHS announces upcoming Invitation to Bid for Primary Care Health Homes Program
Michigan launches nation's first Medicaid system on the cloud to reduce costs, improve health care delivery
MDHHS, MOA, and MSMS Urge Residents to Get Vaccinated Against Influenza Now; State Confirms First Influenza Cases of 2015 - 2016 Flu Season
Michigan awarded $980,000 to develop certified community behavioral health clinics
The Autism Society relies upon the tremendous work and support of our local and state affiliates. Local and state affiliates are the primary approach through which the Autism Society helps individuals and families throughout the United States.
The Autism Society has local affiliates, state affiliates or a combination of both in almost every state. Our local affiliates serve various cities, towns and counties through the United States. State affiliates may serve the entire state or the communities not served by the local affiliates. If a local community does not have an affiliate serving its residents, the Autism Society National office supports the needs of individuals and families by providing Information and Referral services, advocacy and education.
Gentle Teaching is many things. Gentleness toward others, in spite of what anyone does or does not do, is the critical factor. It is a paradox. Fists are met with hugs. Cursing is met with words of affection and nurturing. Spiteful eyes are met with warmth. Gentleness recognizes that all change is mutual and interwoven. It starts with caregivers and, hopefully, touches those who are most marginalized. Its central focus is to express unconditional love. It is the framework around a psychology of human interdependence. The main idea of gentleness is not to get rid of someone else's behaviors, but to deepen our own inner feelings of gentleness in the face of violence or disregard.
Gentle Teaching is also a teaching approach. As such, it has four initial teaching purposes-to teach others to feel safe, loved, loving, and engaged. These do not just happen. They are taught through repeated acts of love. Gentle caregivers learn to use their presence, hands, words, and eyes as their primary teaching tools to uplift and honor others.